Sunday, September 16, 2012

This was the open house project that I had "hanging" in the quotes because every morning there were a few more casualties on the floor when I got to school that just couldn't hang on any longer.  I actually first did this project 10 years ago for my field placement which was given to me by one my of college professor as an assignment.  I have done it several times in various placements since and decided to once again use as my open house project.  In the past I have bought those foam stickers for the class to decorate their poems with and had the kids mount it on colored construction paper. This year a thought occurred to have them create a background to mount their poetry on.  I envisioned the students using paint brushes to create a picture, but once one student asked if they could use their hands and I replied "sure why not, it's your art piece" it was a momenti di lesson learned for me.  Not only were the papers full of paint, but also the desks, chairs, hands and arms of my class.  They thoroughly enjoyed it and took ownership of their pieces of art, which was my intent, the mess not so much.  I learned that if you give a 5th grader paint, they're going to want to use their hands :) Next time I will cover the desks with some kind of paper, so that the mess can be contained.  I titled the the project '', for a play on word due to it being a biography poem.  I also found a really great graphic organizer from the website 'create teach share' to use this year.  Below are some of the more creative pieces to I wanted to share, although they all came out great.

 The kids were only given the primary colors and white, from there these are some of the art pieces that came out of the limitedness.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

and breath

ahhhhh....yes as the third week of school has started I think I took a breath.  We had our open house last Thursday, so it was a busy first week and second week of school...looking back not sure how I got all my introduction lessons, visit from the new principal, safety patrol induction, and open house project (which have failed to stick to the wall due to the lack of air conditioning in our school, high 80's, and almost 90% humidity last week) all complete! I have to say that I am enjoying my class of 30, they are a great group who actually seem to want to be in school...vast difference from some prior years.  
I have almost made it on schedule two days now, my groups and schedules are set for my independent reading/guided reading/center time, and our support staff is all ready to start as well.  Just have to get Scantron testing out of the way beginning of next week and I think my year will officially be in full swing, which means more frequent posting.  I have a few photos to share of what some of the things I have done/do in my classroom.

This is my 'mathtastic' work board. It will hang creative work we will do in math, as well as, 'A' tests.  Right now it is hanging "Math About Me" an idea and template taken from 'Create Teach Share' blog.  Next to this board I have a 'wordarific' work board which will hang writing pieces or other creative projects that are Language Arts based.

This is my Language Arts bell ringer.  Each student gets a star which I place a magnet strip and their name on the back.  The cards used I bought at our local 'Teaching Touches' store.  They are short paragraphs that deal with different tested anchors Main Idea, Inferencing, Drawing Conclusions, Fact/ part is that they are leveled.  I bought mostly 3.5-5.0 to support and encourage all learners in class, the next level is 5.0-6.5 and I thought those might frustrate some students.  The procedure is that students in the morning read the paragraph and place their star in the column of what they think is the correct answer.  Then each day one student gets picked from the board (I pick first and then student from the previous day picks the new star) that student has to talk about why they chose their answer with evidence from the card.  If 90% of the class gets the answer correct we add pebbles to our star jar. I switch the focus of the cards every month, trying to correlate to our curriculum study as best possible.

This is a derived from a pinterest idea :) One of our essential questions for our first unit of study in the Language Arts curriculum is "Why do We Read" after seeing may different forms of this poster I decided to have my students give me ideas of why they read.  Then they chose one of those choses of why they read and illustrated a 3" by 3" card, and this was the end result.  One idea and project that I will continue to do each year, which will change due to that classes interest.

and view of my room clean :) before open house.  Finally, came up with an idea for my 'Got Books' board which the students seemed to get excited for, we are going to graffiti it with the book titles we/they read all year.  I right now am reading "The Pillars of the Earth" which is taking FOREVER to read, but plan on adding my book club books to help model reading at home.