Tuesday, October 16, 2012

first activity to share...

So I finally get to share an original activity that I created for our Multiplication chapter in math.  Not sure if any of you out there use the "ThinkMath!" program, but to say it's not the way of 'traditional' math, is an understatement.  This is my third year teaching it and my student this year were in 1st grade when it was introduced so they have basically gone through all years thus far with the program, which makes it easier for both of us.  But one thing that we've found ThinkMath! lacks is a foundation of basic math skills...(For that our district tech coordinator found a great FREE site named Xtra math.  Check it out if you are looking for a way to practice basic math facts on an individual level, thats NOT timed tests.)  Anyway, as I was driving home from a weekend to visit my sister in Pittsburgh I drove past 4 rainbows..and a thought occurred to me to create a 'multiples rainbow' to practice multiples!  I have attached the template I used, but feel free to take the idea and make it your own.  I focused on multiples of 6-12, since those seem to be the ones students struggle with most.  And it replaced my beginning of the year activity on my 'Mathtastic Board'.  My new goal is to create a way to illustrate each math chapter.  Already have an idea for our Factor chapter :) I'll share once I work on it a little more.
*ok still trying to get the hang of this, need to try and upload the template not on here yet*  :(

the fresh outdoors

First official field trip with 30 fifth graders by myself was a SUCCESS! not to mention it was a two day field trip! Sure we only rode less then five miles away from the school, but none the less we made it and the kids were great.  Each year we go to a local nature center, that I myself once went on a field trip to in elementary school, that spans over two days.  They provide great lessons that go along with our first unit of science, ecosystems, where the students participate in activities in a forest, field, and swamp environment...as well as, their favorite activity- orienteering their way through a path with compasses.  The only downfall of the whole experience were the chilly days. On Friday the high was only 50 degrees...but we go in the mornings and when you're under the cover of huge trees it seems like a frozen tundra (I tend to hyperbolize a little)...definitely had a few red cold hands by the time we came in.  But don't fret the sun appeared both days just as we were heading back to school :) 

A toad found (actually almost step on) in the woods, the class named him Stefano...have to admit the name immediately transferred me back to my days of watch "Days" :)

                                                       The walk back from the Swamp

Pictures of the 'Woods' from the field, the North sure is beautifully colored this time of year

Thursday, October 4, 2012

LOL moment...

Just had to share a moment that gave me a good old fashion laugh today. So during social hour...i mean writing (it's an epidemic with fifth graders not wanting to write) anyway one of my boys was talking to another boy and here was the conversation the ensued:

Me: J stop talking to C

J: I wasn't talking to C, I was talking to Z

Me: Well then stop talking to Z

J: I mean I wasn't talking to Z, I was to M (said with a smirk)

to which M, who was working quietly and is a very introverted student replied, with a quick snap:
"No you were not"

Me: (after I recovered from laughing) Ohhhh snap, M just put you in your place

Probably a 'had to be there moment' but it made me laugh out and put a smile on my face...moment of joy today