Tuesday, October 16, 2012

the fresh outdoors

First official field trip with 30 fifth graders by myself was a SUCCESS! not to mention it was a two day field trip! Sure we only rode less then five miles away from the school, but none the less we made it and the kids were great.  Each year we go to a local nature center, that I myself once went on a field trip to in elementary school, that spans over two days.  They provide great lessons that go along with our first unit of science, ecosystems, where the students participate in activities in a forest, field, and swamp environment...as well as, their favorite activity- orienteering their way through a path with compasses.  The only downfall of the whole experience were the chilly days. On Friday the high was only 50 degrees...but we go in the mornings and when you're under the cover of huge trees it seems like a frozen tundra (I tend to hyperbolize a little)...definitely had a few red cold hands by the time we came in.  But don't fret the sun appeared both days just as we were heading back to school :) 

A toad found (actually almost step on) in the woods, the class named him Stefano...have to admit the name immediately transferred me back to my days of watch "Days" :)

                                                       The walk back from the Swamp

Pictures of the 'Woods' from the field, the North sure is beautifully colored this time of year

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